Self-Help Shares

Building Credit, Step by Step

By Mary M.
  | Nov 02, 2015


After surviving Hurricane Katrina, Darrell Molett had to start over. Watch this video about a Self-Help Federal Credit Union member who did the hard work of building his credit, step by step. 

Worker-Owned Business Thrives in Morganton

By Mary M.
  | Nov 02, 2015

Molly from Opportunity ThreadsWhen Molly Hemstreet graduated from Duke and returned to her hometown of Morganton, North Carolina, she was distressed to see high unemployment and many in need. Molly knew the big textile companies were gone, but that many skilled workers and other resources remained. Using her background in international development, community activism and education, she developed a vision for a different kind of textile business.

Today Molly is the founder and a worker-owner of Opportunity Threads, a thriving business in Morganton. Unlike the textile giants of days past, Opportunity Threads serves other small businesses to make custom apparel and sewn goods. And in a very different twist, the business is owned and operated by the men and women who work there, the majority of whom are first- or second-generation immigrants from Guatemala. 

Full story

Self-Help Closes $500,000 Loan for Low-Income Housing

By Suzanne J.
  | Oct 15, 2015

Multifamily House Site in Charlotte
Pre-construction view of one of the west Charlotte buildings NCBK is developing.

We’re pleased to announce our recently closed loan to North Carolina developer NCBK Delphen Property Investments. The loan provides construction and permanent financing to renovate 17 units of low-income multifamily housing in west Charlotte, NC.

When finished, the properties will provide much-needed affordable rental housing for 17 Charlotte families and will serve primarily low-income voucher tenants, including providing supportive housing for veterans. Plus, NCBK’s efforts will help strengthen the neighborhood by fixing up dilapidated and boarded-up buildings and putting them back into use.

Self-Help has extensive experience with the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), and we were able to use NSP funds from the City of Charlotte for this project. By spring 2016 the properties will be fully renovated and ready for residents.

  • Loan amount: $510,050
  • Use: Renovation of dilapidated property to create low-income multifamily housing.
  • Total project cost: $1.3 million 
  • Project square footage: 20,119 SF 
  • # of housing spaces created or maintained: 21

Interested in a multifamily housing loan with Self-Help?

Get in touch with us or learn more about our multifamily housing loans.