Self-Help Shares

How Can a Credit Union Go Green? Let Us Count the Ways

By Mary M.
  | Jan 08, 2016

You know Self-Help has all the personnel you would expect in a credit union, like loan officers and member service reps. Maybe you don’t know we also have a Director of Sustainability, Melissa Malkin-Weber.  When Melissa began working with us nearly six years ago, she was charged with helping Self-Help “walk the talk” by implementing more sustainable practices inside our own offices and also through loans that encourage conservation.

The results have been fantastic. Check out Melissa’s article in the current issue of Green Money Journal, where she describes how we’re making sustainability part of everything we do. The article features one of our favorite western borrowers, Rush Creek Lodge, and also two great community development partners, Craft3 and RSF Social Finance



Rush Creek's youth program
One of Self-Help’s star conservation-conscious borrowers is Rush Creek Lodge in Yosemite National Park. In addition to offering energy-efficient lodgings and an extensive gray-water system, they also provide internships to help disadvantaged youth gain job experience.



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