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Fighting Predatory Lending

Helping More People Achieve the American Dream

Self-Help and the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) work hand-in-hand to promote fair lending practices. Since 2002, CRL has increased Self-Help's impact by fighting predatory lending practices that block families from a fair chance to achieve the American Dream.

Working for Fair Financial Products and Services

CRL's advocacy is strengthened by drawing on practical knowledge gained from Self-Help's years of lending experience. We fight for fair and responsible practices in a variety of ways:

  • Research - CRL conducts groundbreaking research on different types of predatory lending, measuring the scope and impact of abusive practices.
  • Advocacy - We work with state-based coalitions and policymakers to address lending abuses in individual states and to support positive changes on the federal level.
  • Coalition-Building - We provide data, legal analysis and other support to strengthen many ally groups throughout the nation.

CRL works for reforms in close partnership with civil rights organizations, organized labor, faith-based communities and other community and consumer advocates. By joining forces with our allies, we increase public awareness of abusive lending practices and mobilize vocal grassroots and grasstops support for constructive change.

Find out more about CRL's work.

CRL President Mike Calhoun frequently testifies before Congressional committees investigating predatory lending practices and positive ways to enhance community development.