Self-Help Shares

Affordable Financing for Assistive Technologies: Why it Matters

By David Beck
  | Nov 30, 2017

Hearing aids help David concentrate and better communicate with colleagues.

David chats with Tracy Cox, a colleague on Self-Help's Development team.

Hearing loss often comes gradually, at least mine did. It started with an increase in how often I would ask people to repeat sentences. Over time, the problem worsened. When a colleague asked me to turn off my beeping watch—which I couldn’t hear at all—I had to concede that my hearing needed a boost. I started looking into hearing aids.

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Happy Thanksgiving from Self-Help!

By Staff
  | Nov 22, 2017


Self-Help Credit Union Staff at a recent meeting. Photo by Ricky Leung

This is the season with a lot of emphasis on giving. Holiday shopping has begun in earnest, and many of us are stepping up our efforts to volunteer, donate and help make this a better holiday season for the many people—far too many—in need.

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Steps to Opening a Small Business

By NerdWallet
  | Nov 16, 2017

Woman on Laptop

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It takes more than a great idea and entrepreneurial spirit to be your own boss. But if you follow the right path, that dream can be within reach. Here’s what you need to do to start a small business.

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Self-Help's 2017 Annual Meeting: Recognizing "Ordinary Heroes"

By Staff
  | Nov 10, 2017

Self-Help members Kennis Wilkins and Elbert Avery attended the annual meeting on Wednesday

Self-Help members Kennis Wilkins and Elbert Avery (Staff photo)

This past Wednesday Self-Help Credit Union held its annual meeting in downtown Durham, NC. Even on a rainy night, dedicated members and supporters came out to participate in board elections, receive updates and enjoy good food.

Randy Chambers, President of Self-Help Credit Union, presented the financial report for the organization, noting strong performance and growth. One big event this year was our merger with Jax Metro Credit Union in Jacksonville, Florida. Jax Metro has four branches in Jacksonville with about 4,500 members.

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The Economy Needs New Markets and Historic Preservation Tax Credits

By Tucker Bartlett
  | Nov 02, 2017


The U.S. House Ways & Means Committee has now released draft legislation with proposed tax changes. Many aspects of this draft will be hotly debated, but here I want to focus on two items in particular. If enacted, the Committee's proposal would eliminate the New Markets Tax Credit and the Historic Preservation Tax Credit -- tax incentives with a proven track record for generating jobs and economic growth.

The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) is a great example of a government investment that produces benefits well above its costs. For every one dollar of federal investment, NMTCs have generated $8 of private investment. 

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Senate Votes to Limit Consumers’ Legal Rights

By Staff
  | Oct 26, 2017

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Today, it is hard to open up a checking account, rent a car, get cable service or check a loved one into a nursing home without agreeing to mandatory arbitration.”    Jessica-Silver Greenberg, New York Times

If you’ve ever been ripped off by a bank or corporation, you know how difficult it can be to get a fair resolution. No matter how egregious the company’s action, you’re one small person facing an entity that often has massive legal resources.

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Bringing it Home in Asheville

By Jane Hatley and Mary Moore
  | Oct 19, 2017

Attendees at Bringing it Home Conference

Left to Right: Dewana Little of Self-Help, Marta Alcala-Williams, Jane Hatley of Self-Help and Annice Brown, small business consultant.

For the third year running, Self-Help Credit Union held the “Bringing it Home” conference in Asheville, North Carolina. The event brings together a diverse set of community advocates and entrepreneurs who care about building a local economy that works for everyone. This year’s conference attracted 160 attendees, ranging from Asheville’s mayor, Esther Manheimer, to teenagers aspiring to become successful entrepreneurs.

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New Federal Rule Strikes a Blow Against Payday Loans

By Staff
  | Oct 12, 2017

More than 70% of Republicans, Democrats and independents support the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's proposed rule to regulate payday lenders.

For opponents of predatory lending, last Thursday was a red-letter day. On October 5 the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued a new rule aimed at reducing the harms of predatory payday and car-title loans—usually short-term loans with extremely high interest rates. These loans are peddled as a lifeline, but in reality they drown cash-strapped consumers in debt.

In a national teleconference hosted by half a dozen consumer and civil rights groups, Mike Calhoun, president of our affiliate, the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL), said “These high-cost predatory loans are financial booby traps… This rule is an important milestone in providing working families with reasonable financial products.”

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9 Tips for Paying Off Credit Card Debt

By NerdWallet
  | Oct 05, 2017

Buried in credit card debt? You're not alone. According to NerdWallet, in 2015 the average U.S. household with debt had $15,762 in credit card debt at an average 18% interest rate. Annual interest alone was $2,630, or more than $50 a week.


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Here are nine tips on how to climb out. Remember, though, there are no magical solutions.

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Building Stronger Rural Communities: Self-Help’s Partnership with the USDA

By Connor Randolph, Self-Help summer intern
  | Sep 28, 2017

Hendersonville Co-Op Exterior
Self-Help staff photo

Since our founding in 1980, serving rural families and communities has been a core part of Self-Help’s mission. Indeed, half of Self-Help Credit Union's branches and a quarter of its members are in rural North Carolina. Self-Help and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) have partnered for the last 25 years to make loans more accessible for rural businesses. Here are some examples of this partnership, pulled from this new study of Self-Help’s rural lending history.