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Turbine CU Credit Card Services

The Turbine credit card program will convert to the Self-Help CU credit card program, effective Tuesday, October 8, 2024. Any member holding an active Turbine credit card will be issued a Self-Help CU credit card as a replacement credit card for use beginning on Tuesday, October 8.



Making Payments

Online: (Visa credit card payment site).   

Mail: Visa, P.O. Box 4521, Carol Stream, IL 60197-4521.

Scorecard Rewards

Redeem all remaining rewards points before the SCORECARD program terminates on Monday, October 7.


Call (727) 570-4881.

Customer Service

Call: (800) 322-8472.

Mail: Customer Service, P.O. Box 30495, Tampa, FL 33630.


Turbine CU Credit Card disclosure