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Branch Closures

Due to road conditions, our Windsor, NC branch is closed today, February 21. Please contact Member Services at (800) 966-7353 for assistance. 

Branch Delays

The following NC branches will have a delayed opening today, Friday, February 21: Kinston branch will open at 10AM.  Rocky Mount, and Wilson branches will open at 12PM. Please contact Member Services at (800) 966-7353 for assistance.

Email Scams & Romance Scams

Email & Phishing Scams

“Phishing” is a scam that attempts to obtain your personal information through your email. The scam occurs when a fraudulent email appearing to be from a legitimate company directs you to a link that asks you sign on to another account. The fraudulent sender then captures your information in an attempt to steal your identity. Phishing emails can be very deceiving and often contain logos or have a look that is similar to the website or company they are mimicking. 

Self-Help will never send an email requesting personal account information. If you receive an email that appears to be sent by Self-Help asking for personal account information, you can be sure it is a phishing scam.

Should you receive one of these emails: 

  • Do NOT click the link in the email *
  • Do NOT enter any requested information *
  • Contact Member Services at 800-966-7353 *

    * Forward the email to our Member Support Center 

Romance Scams 

Romance scams, also called sweetheart scams, are on the rise in the United States. In 2021, people reported $547 million in losses caused by romance scams. 

A romance scam is when a victim is romanced though online dating sites or social media networks, then manipulated into sending funds to fraudsters or giving them account access. 

  • Once the fraudster has built a rapport with the victim, they will ask for information such as account numbers or request online access to the victim’s bank accounts.
  • The fraudster will then appear to take steps to deposit funds into the victim’s account through mobile deposit, wire transfer or by check. However, these deposits are often fraudulent. For example, the fraudster may deposit checks that are counterfeit or from a stolen checkbook.
  • It is common for the fraudster to request that the victim open new accounts at a financial institution to deposit funds.

Learn More:

Read the following on the Federal Trade Commission’s website