Self-Help Shares

Rodeo Rounds Up Tons of Recycling

By Staff
  | Jul 12, 2018

Recycling Rodeo at Revolution Mill

In June, the City of Greensboro and Revolution Mill partnered up to sponsor a Recycling Rodeo. The event, held on the Revolution Mill campus, encouraged Guilford County residents to bring hard-to-recycle items such as chemicals, paint, batteries and car oil. The Rodeo also solicited donations for Dress for Success in Winston-Salem, a nonprofit that provides professional attire for low-income job seekers.

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Sprint Offers Cash Rewards to Credit Union Members

By Staff
  | Jun 28, 2018

Sprint "Love My Credit Union" logo

Attention all Self-Help members: If you’re in the market for a new phone or phone lines, you may be interested in this special offer. Sprint® is paying a $100 cash reward to credit union members for each new line switched to Sprint.

Self-Help members have already been taking advantage of this “Love My Credit Union” promotion. In fact, since the beginning of 2017, our members have received more than $14,000 in cash rewards.

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Summer Boot Camp for Food Entrepreneurs

By Dylan Timmerman, Public Policy intern
  | Jun 25, 2018

Tera Johnson leads a Financial Management session at Self-Help for entrepreneurs in food-related industries.

Self-Help Credit Union hosted a variety of food entrepreneurs for the first of two sessions of a Financial Management Boot Camp on June 6 and 7 in Durham, NC. The workshops, led by Tera Johnson from the Food Finance Institute, help entrepreneurs in the food and farm industries learn how to expand their businesses while remaining financially sustainable.

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23 Students Selected to be Self-Help Scholars

By staff
  | Jun 18, 2018

Collage of Self-Help's 2018 scholarship winners

Congratulations to the 23 students (18 shown above) who recently received a Self-Help Credit Union scholarship! A winner was selected from each of our branch offices in North Carolina and Virginia as well as from Jax Metro, our credit union in Florida. All of the scholarship recipients have demonstrated a commitment to service and building stronger communities.

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A Grand Re-Opening in Downtown Durham, NC

By Staff
  | May 25, 2018

Mangum Street ribbon cutting

Wednesday, May 23 was a bustling day at 601 South Mangum Street in Durham as the Self-Help CU branch held a grand re-opening to celebrate brand new renovations. All morning cars pulled up in the parking lot and the front door swung open constantly.  Some people came for free shredding or to recycle electronics. Many came for a special ribbon-cutting, led by Durham Mayor Steve Schewel.

Through shredding and speeches and all the hubbub, our members came in to do their everyday business: making deposits, cashing checks, talking to a loan officer about a loan.

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Our Annual Report is Out!

By Staff
  | May 03, 2018

Self-Help's latest annual report is now available! The report covers 2017 activities and impact of Self-Help Credit Union, Self-Help Federal Credit Union and the Center for Responsible Lending. 

Children at Reedy Fork child care center in Greensboro, NC

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Durham Scholars-at-Work Spend Spring Break at Self-Help

By Amy Sauceda Gallegos, Tianna Sharpless, Kierra Thompson, Breanna Jones & Stephanie Diane Ford
  | Apr 10, 2018

Shondra Tanner with Scholars

Last week students from Durham Public Schools’ Scholars-at-Work participated in a workplace immersion at Self-Help’s offices in downtown Durham, NC. Activities included tours of Self-Help headquarters and development sites, learning about home lending, commercial real estate financing and maintaining good credit.  The Scholars-at-Work Program is a four-day workplace immersion experience at participating companies for DPS Career & Technical Education students in grades 10-12. 

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Self-Help 2018 Scholarships Now Available

By Connie Corn
  | Mar 20, 2018

Higher education costs money.

Self-Help Credit Union is now accepting applications for $500 Community Scholarships. Deadline is April 30, 2018.

Since 2015, each Self-Help branch has awarded Community Scholarships to students with a proven commitment to community service. We offer these scholarships to encourage winners to continue to have a positive impact on their communities.

Applications are available at each branch Self-Help branch office and on our website. All applications must be submitted by April 30, 2018. 

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Building Credit Creates New Possibilities for Self-Help Members

By Stephanie Diane Ford
  | Mar 08, 2018

Aubert Semon at Naturalization Ceremony

Credit Builder borrower Aubert Semon takes Oath of Allegiance during 2018 Naturalization Ceremony.

Increasing your credit score is the first step for many borrowers hoping to qualify for loans to buy homes or start a new business. It's easy to get mired in debt, and it can be hard to get out. At Self-Help, we offer a Credit Builder loan that helps members establish or build stronger credit while building savings, too.  

One of our members, Aubert Semon, is among many who have benefited from a Credit Builder loan. Recently Aubert agreed to talk about his experience with Stephanie Diane Ford, who works on Self-Help's communications team. 

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Don't Risk Missing Your Tax Refund!

By Staff
  | Feb 21, 2018

Before getting your tax refund directly deposited, double check your account information.

When you qualify for a tax refund, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can deposit the funds directly into a checking or savings account. This is the safest way to receive the money—but only if the Internal Revenue Service has accurate information. If your account number has changed recently, or if you have any uncertainty about your account information, please call us to verify before filing your taxes. 

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