Self-Help Credit Union Staff at a recent meeting. Photo by Ricky Leung
This is the season with a lot of emphasis on giving. Holiday shopping has begun in earnest, and many of us are stepping up our efforts to volunteer, donate and help make this a better holiday season for the many people—far too many—in need.
All of the giving is wonderful, but we’re also glad to have this special day to focus on thanks. Have we told you lately how grateful we are? Let us count some of the ways:
To our friends, funders and supporters … we thank you for your faith in us and your generosity.
To our depositors … we thank you for your trust.
To our allies … we thank you for all the gifts you bring to our shared mission of expanding economic opportunity for all.
To our staff in California, Florida, Illinois and North Carolina … we thank you for your teamwork and commitment.
To our borrowers and the communities we serve … we thank you for inspiring us every single day with your dreams, hard work and never-give-up spirit.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving!