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I'm ready for pre-approval
Get Started Today
You're on the path to becoming a homeowner!
Fill out the form below and our team will get in touch with you to help find the right loan for you and begin your pre-qualification application.



We're committed to you.

We'll be there with good service, affordable loans and fair terms.

As a nonprofit community development financial institution, our mission is creating and protecting ownership and opportunity for all. That means we put you first. Connect with us today and let us be your partner in your homebuying journey.

Ready to get started? Connect with our experienced home mortgage team today.

Prefer to call? Call us at 800-476-7428 Monday - Friday during business hours. 
If it is outside of business hours, a member of the home lending team will call you back within two business days.

Why get a home loan with Self-Help?
Low and no down payment options
Many borrowers can get into a home with as little as 1% cash to close.*
Flexible underwriting
We can work with credit scores from 580 and we can accept alternative credit.
No private mortgage insurance means lower monthly payments for you.
A lender you can trust.
We've got your best interests at heart — and we'll be there for the life of your loan.
How to Prepare
Our experienced home lending team is here to help. We'll talk with you to understand your home-buying goals and your financial picture. 


When you meet with your loan officer, it's helpful to bring the following items (for yourself and your spouse or co-borrower):
  • Photo ID
  • Tax returns (two most recent years)
  • W2s (two most recent years)
  • Pay stubs (two most recent pay cycles)
  • Bank statements (two most recent months)